I will consider this work on a case by case instance:
For house/place blessings:
I will come and work at the place. I will usually work with both the place and the people living/working there. This will include drumming, rattling, smudging, and salting. If there are sound/smoke/etc issues, I can modify my process to work within such requirements. A blessing/cleaning is at least 2 hours long, depends on size of place and nature of intrusion as to how long it will take. Fee $300 +$100/hr over the initial 2 hours.
General Information:
I'm known in the San Francisco shamanic community for my work of detaching entities and curses, and receive much of my business through referrals from other shamanists and energy workers.
I check in with my spirit allies on receiving all requests for aid/work and depending on their answer will accept or not accept a client. Primarily I only do in-person sessions, though on rare occasion I will work remotely.